By incorporating Jameson Cell technology into your flowsheet you do not just get a piece of equipment, you get years of flotation experience and know-how, thus ensuring that the latest generation of the technology is integrated optimally into your plant.

From the initial enquiry through to project implementation, fabrication, installation, commissioning and training, our engineering team develops a flotation system that works. Our input does not stop after commissioning and training. Glencore Technology engineers provide expert technical assistance to help assess and optimise the flotation performance of your Jameson Cell. 

Technology partnership concept 

The Jameson Cell has been continuously developed and improved from experiences at client and Glencore operating sites. The result is more than just flotation equipment; it is years of experience and know-how that is incorporated into our design and recommendations. 

Our technology partnership concept is the vehicle that makes this body of knowledge and experience available to you, enabling your company to achieve the full potential benefits of the Jameson Cell technology.

  • Glencore technology has an ongoing technical relationship with users. 
  • We facilitate interchange of learning's between users. 
  • Glencore has been using Jameson Cell technology as a core part of its' own processing operations since the 1980s. 
  • Our extensive operating experience combined with the latest equipment and process development produces a package that delivers rapid technology transfer to your operation.

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