Why choose HyperSparge™
Increased Leaching Rates
The HyperSparge™ produces a highly turbulent mixing zone between the gas jet and the process slurry or solution, resulting in high local shear rates. The high shear rates enhance diffusion controlled processes such as oxygen mass transfer. When coupled with the fine bubble size and high gas-liquid interfacial area generated by the supersonic gas stream, mass transfer is improved by an order of magnitude compared to conventional sparging systems.
Lower Oxygen Consumption
The superior mass transfer characteristics of the HyperSparge™ increases the efficiency of oxygen transfer to the process. This results in less oxygen lost to exhaust gas, and lower operating costs for the leach or oxidation process.
Lower Cyanide use in CIL Circuits
The high efficiency of the HyperSparge™ system results in a reduction in gas requirements, as well as reducing the exhaust gas volumes. This results in a significant reduction in the loss of volatile components such as cyanide to the process exhaust gas.
Live Insertion and Removal for Maintenance
The HyperSparge™ is mounted externally to the leach or oxidation vessel and inserted through the side at waist height. The sparger can be easily removed for maintenance while the process is live meaning no downtime for HyperSparge™ maintenance.
Simple Design, Great Operability
The HyperSparge™ is a complete gas injection system consisting of three sub-assemblies:
- Gas connection assembly
- Wet end sparger assembly
- Insertion assembly
A 15°inclination on the tank nozzle, smart mounting of the gas connection assembly onto the tank manifold and the built-in check valve means slurry ingress to the hose and gas manifold is prevented.
Oxygen Safe
The gas connection assembly and the wet end assembly are designed to be intrinsically safe for oxygen duty with complete adherence to EIGA Standard for Oxygen Pipeline and Piping Systems.
Robust, Long Life Materials
The HyperSparge™ is manufactured from DN15 or DN25 stainless steel pipe. Spargers can be manufactured out of duplex or higher alloy steel for corrosive applications. The spargers are designed to last for years of continuous service.
Live insertion and removal in action