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TecnologíasJameson Cell
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TecnologíasAlbion Process™
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Tecnología: Jameson Cell, IsaMill™ y Albion Process™
Impulsando el desarrollo por etapas con la Celda Jameson, IsaMill™ y Albion Process™”
Impulsando el desarrollo por etapas con la Celda Jameson, IsaMill™ y Albion Process™”`
Idioma: inglés
Fecha: Miércoles 17 y jueves 18 de julio
En este evento usted tendrá la oportunidad de obtener una visión general de las tecnologías IsaMill™, Celda Jameson y Albion Process™ y cómo su flexibilidad le permite poner en marcha una planta completa tomando un proceso a la vez.
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¿Se está convirtiendo el CAPEX en una restricción para su proyecto?
Las empresas mineras junior a menudo se enfrentan a restricciones de CAPEX. Esto dificulta la financiación de una planta de procesamiento completa. Glencore Technology ofrece tecnologías modulares y flexibles que le permiten mejorar su diagrama de flujo por etapas. Se consiguen pequeños aumentos de la producción y de los ingresos. Estos ingresos se pueden utilizar para construir las áreas posteriores de la planta. Este seminario web le mostrará algunas de nuestras tecnologías y las ventajas económicas de una implantación por etapas frente a la construcción convencional de plantas.
Click aquí para ver el webinar
Tecnología: ISASMELT™
Enfoque de la producción sostenible y competitiva - Distribución de arsénico
Comparación de la Gestión de Arsénico en Fundiciones Chilenas con el Enfoque de la Tecnología TSL ISASMELT™ y ISACONVERT™
Idioma: español
Fecha: Martes, 28 de mayo
En este evento usted podrá ver como nuestras tecnologías han demostrado, en operaciones reales, su efectividad en el manejo de Arsénico, sin disminuir la capacidad operativa o incurrir en mayores costos.
Exploraremos el estado del arte de la distribución y fijación del Arsénico en 7 fundiciones de Chile con tecnología tradicional, y como éstas se comparan con la tecnología ISASMELT™Click para descargar la presentación -
Este es el segundo de 2 webinars de la serie "Enfoque de una producción sostenible y competitiva"
En este webinar de 60 minutos, el Ing. Oscar Mendoza presentará los resultados de una investigación sobre el estado del arte de la distribución y fijación de Arsénico en 7 plantas de fundición de Chile y como, en comparación con tecnologías tradicionales, la tecnología ISASMELT™ sobresale en el manejo de esta impureza, sin disminuir la capacidad productiva ni generar incrementos en los costos de la operación.Click aquí para ver el webinar
Tecnología: ISASMELT™
Enfoque de la producción sostenible y competitiva - ¿Cuánto cuesta una fundición?
ISASMELT™: Transformando la Pirometalurgia Chilena hacia una Producción Sostenible y Competitiva
Idioma: español
Fecha: Martes, 28 de mayo
En este evento usted aprenderá por qué ISASMELT™ es la tecnología de fundición de cobre (Cu) más rentable del mercado.
Además, podrá ver testimonios de éxito del uso del SASMELT™ en operaciones alrededor del mundo y el benchmark del OpEx que muestra que 2 de las 3 fundiciones de menor costo operacional son basadas en ISASMELT™.Click para descargar la presentación -
Este es el primero de 2 webinars de la serie "Enfoque de una producción sostenible y competitiva"
En este webinar de 60 minutos usted explorará cómo la tecnología australiana ISASMELT ™se ha convertido en una alternativa robusta y probada para la fundición de concentrados de cobre, ofreciendo beneficios significativos en términos de sustentabilidad, eficiencia y rentabilidad.
Verá los testimonios de éxito de ISASMELT™ en diferentes operaciones mineras alrededor del mundo como Alemania, Bélgica, China, Perú y Zambia; además del benchmark del OpEx que muestra que 2 de las 3 fundiciones de menor costo operacional son basadas en ISASMELT™.Click aquí para ver el webinar
Technology: Mineral Processing
Presentation on How an ISACYCLE™ can be used for Small Scale Recycling Operations for urban waste
Creating an optimum fine grinding and flotation plant in 2021When: Tuesday 30th March '21 (Australian time) Brisbane | 4:00 pm (AEST UTC+10h) Cape Town | 8:00 am (SAST UTC+2h) Moscow | 9:00 am (MSK UTC+3h) Glencore Technology is pleased to present a new optimised flotation concentrator design with a reduced footprint, improved performance and a significant reduction in CAPEX and OPEX expenses. It shows how the “traditional conventional design” can be enhanced with a modern combination of key assets. Core to these are a combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™ in a full-circuit layout. This design is at least 50% smaller than the footprint of a “traditional conventional circuit design” but also reduces power consumption up to 50%.
Click to download the presentation -
Language: English This one-hour webinar highlights the combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™with a modern combination of key assets and layout, introduces new cases studies and walks through two projects utilising the new layout unfolding across 2021 and 2022.
Click here for the recording
Technology: Mineral Processing
Case Studies of Improved Copper and Moly Flotation with Jameson Cells | Aug 15 & 17
Creating an optimum fine grinding and flotation plant in 2021When: Tuesday 30th March '21 (Australian time) Brisbane | 4:00 pm (AEST UTC+10h) Cape Town | 8:00 am (SAST UTC+2h) Moscow | 9:00 am (MSK UTC+3h) Glencore Technology is pleased to present a new optimised flotation concentrator design with a reduced footprint, improved performance and a significant reduction in CAPEX and OPEX expenses. It shows how the “traditional conventional design” can be enhanced with a modern combination of key assets. Core to these are a combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™ in a full-circuit layout. This design is at least 50% smaller than the footprint of a “traditional conventional circuit design” but also reduces power consumption up to 50%.
Click to download the presentation -
Language: English This one-hour webinar highlights the combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™with a modern combination of key assets and layout, introduces new cases studies and walks through two projects utilising the new layout unfolding across 2021 and 2022.
Click here for the recording
Technology: Mineral Processing
Copper Elements: Maximise the Performance and Productivity of Your Furnace
Creating an optimum fine grinding and flotation plant in 2021When: Tuesday 30th March '21 (Australian time) Brisbane | 4:00 pm (AEST UTC+10h) Cape Town | 8:00 am (SAST UTC+2h) Moscow | 9:00 am (MSK UTC+3h) Glencore Technology is pleased to present a new optimised flotation concentrator design with a reduced footprint, improved performance and a significant reduction in CAPEX and OPEX expenses. It shows how the “traditional conventional design” can be enhanced with a modern combination of key assets. Core to these are a combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™ in a full-circuit layout. This design is at least 50% smaller than the footprint of a “traditional conventional circuit design” but also reduces power consumption up to 50%.
Click to download the presentation -
Language: English This one-hour webinar highlights the combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™with a modern combination of key assets and layout, introduces new cases studies and walks through two projects utilising the new layout unfolding across 2021 and 2022.
Click here for the recording
Technology: Mineral Processing
Maintaining Your IsaMill:
Creating an optimum fine grinding and flotation plant in 2021When: Tuesday 30th March '21 (Australian time) Brisbane | 4:00 pm (AEST UTC+10h) Cape Town | 8:00 am (SAST UTC+2h) Moscow | 9:00 am (MSK UTC+3h) Glencore Technology is pleased to present a new optimised flotation concentrator design with a reduced footprint, improved performance and a significant reduction in CAPEX and OPEX expenses. It shows how the “traditional conventional design” can be enhanced with a modern combination of key assets. Core to these are a combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™ in a full-circuit layout. This design is at least 50% smaller than the footprint of a “traditional conventional circuit design” but also reduces power consumption up to 50%.
Language: English This one-hour webinar highlights the combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™with a modern combination of key assets and layout, introduces new cases studies and walks through two projects utilising the new layout unfolding across 2021 and 2022.
Click here for the recording
Tecnología: Concentradora Jameson
Concentradora Jameson: Eficiencia Energética en un Reducido Espacio
Idioma: Español Cuando: Miércoles 17 agosto ‘22 (América Latina) ¿Las leyes de su mineral son cada vez más bajas y esto ha disparado los costos operacionales? ¿Ha sentido la presión de un creciente número de exigencias del tipo ESG? o ¿le gustaría solucionar complicaciones de mantenimiento y transformar su lugar de trabajo en una operación más segura y más productiva? Este webinar demostrará que la Concentradora Jameson, utiliza tecnologías de alta intensidad y es capaz de producir enormes reducciones de costos CAPEX y OPEX que facilitarán a su operación el logro de sus objetivos ESG y aumento de la productividad.
En este webinar interactivo de 45 minutos aprenderá: • qué es la Concentradora Jameson y las ventajas que ofrece su diseño. • de qué manera la Concentradora Jameson resuelve problemas habituales que presentan las concentradoras convencionales y los beneficios que ofrece. • el apoyo que presta Glencore Technology en todas las etapas de un proyecto para aumentar la productividad y rentabilidad.
Click here to access the recording
Technology: Mineral Processing
MASTERCLASS: Designing the Ultimate Refractory Gold Plant
Creating an optimum fine grinding and flotation plant in 2021When: Tuesday 30th March '21 (Australian time) Brisbane | 4:00 pm (AEST UTC+10h) Cape Town | 8:00 am (SAST UTC+2h) Moscow | 9:00 am (MSK UTC+3h) Glencore Technology is pleased to present a new optimised flotation concentrator design with a reduced footprint, improved performance and a significant reduction in CAPEX and OPEX expenses. It shows how the “traditional conventional design” can be enhanced with a modern combination of key assets. Core to these are a combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™ in a full-circuit layout. This design is at least 50% smaller than the footprint of a “traditional conventional circuit design” but also reduces power consumption up to 50%.
Click to download the presentation -
Language: English This one-hour webinar highlights the combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™with a modern combination of key assets and layout, introduces new cases studies and walks through two projects utilising the new layout unfolding across 2021 and 2022.
Click here to access the recording
Technology: Mineral Processing
Jameson Concentrator: Energy Efficiency at a Reduced Footprint
Creating an optimum fine grinding and flotation plant in 2021When: Tuesday 30th March '21 (Australian time) Brisbane | 4:00 pm (AEST UTC+10h) Cape Town | 8:00 am (SAST UTC+2h) Moscow | 9:00 am (MSK UTC+3h) Glencore Technology is pleased to present a new optimised flotation concentrator design with a reduced footprint, improved performance and a significant reduction in CAPEX and OPEX expenses. It shows how the “traditional conventional design” can be enhanced with a modern combination of key assets. Core to these are a combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™ in a full-circuit layout. This design is at least 50% smaller than the footprint of a “traditional conventional circuit design” but also reduces power consumption up to 50%.
Click to download the presentation -
Language: English This one-hour webinar highlights the combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™with a modern combination of key assets and layout, introduces new cases studies and walks through two projects utilising the new layout unfolding across 2021 and 2022.
Click here to access the recording
Technology: Mineral Processing
Maximizando la Recuperación de Metales Base con Albion Process™
Creating an optimum fine grinding and flotation plant in 2021When: Tuesday 30th March '21 (Australian time) Brisbane | 4:00 pm (AEST UTC+10h) Cape Town | 8:00 am (SAST UTC+2h) Moscow | 9:00 am (MSK UTC+3h) Glencore Technology is pleased to present a new optimised flotation concentrator design with a reduced footprint, improved performance and a significant reduction in CAPEX and OPEX expenses. It shows how the “traditional conventional design” can be enhanced with a modern combination of key assets. Core to these are a combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™ in a full-circuit layout. This design is at least 50% smaller than the footprint of a “traditional conventional circuit design” but also reduces power consumption up to 50%.
Click to download the presentation -
Language: English This one-hour webinar highlights the combination of Jameson Cell and IsaMill™with a modern combination of key assets and layout, introduces new cases studies and walks through two projects utilising the new layout unfolding across 2021 and 2022.
Click here to access the recording