Зарегистрируйтесь на наши онлайн-семинары по всем аспектам улучшения технологической схемы в реальном мире.


As the smelting industry increasingly relies on data to drive performance, selecting the right Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) has never been more critical. KPIs serve as vital tools for monitoring and optimizing operations, helping metallurgical plants achieve greater efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance overall performance. However, the true value of KPIs is realized only when they are strategically chosen—focused on controllable factors and easily understood by all stakeholders.

During this session you will learn:

  1. Why smelting KPIs are useful

  2. Aspects to consider when choosing smelting KPIs

  3. Examples of KPIs used in the ISASMELT™ furnace

Languages: English, Spanish

Зарегистрируйтесь на наши онлайн-семинары по всем аспектам улучшения технологической схемы в реальном мире.

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